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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 7 - Learner Autonomy

By making the high quality of our discussion on Nicenet in this week, we have Courtney Cunningham acted as our guest moderator leads our discussion on Learner Autonomy. She is from American English Institute at the University of Oregon. It is a little helps for me her useful suggestion on my posting issue which is to promote learner autonomy based on her own experience by means of music a lot with her students. The helpful steps as follows:

  1. Find a song related to weekly topic as well as listen to it in class.
  2. Provide a handout of lyric.
  3. Post in a discussion forum.
  4. Provide a web link of the song.
One of the related article is Bird-in-the-hand or Bird-in-the-bush? by Samuel Sheu.  He  helped his students to develop their autonomy through a number of ways: 

  1. Made their own vocabulary cards or diaries.
  2. Worked in pairs and group for jigsaw.
  3. Llistening to English program on TV or radio.
  4. Conducted group sharing.
He managed to encourage his students who were less motivated to learn by choosing and doing what they wanted and liked, and sharing with their friends. The way to promote greater autonomy in students of Sheu case is interesting and it is worth a try. In addition, all comments from Robert, Courtney, Vinicius, Masa, and Roza Ibrahim in Nicenet discussion are really to widen my insight in terms of learner autonomy.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andi,

    Just like you, I liked the ideas Courtney Cunningham shared regarding the use of songs in the English classroom. I like songs and singing is something I enjoy a lot. I have also noticed that students like these kind of activities, especially if those songs are familiar or classics. Songs are wonderful, aren’t they?

    I agree with you when you say that the discussion gave us the chance to learn a lot. I just found out the use of the cc button while watching a YouTube movie after reading Masa’s comment on one of your posts.

